Hobble, Hobble Down the Street

Hobble, Hobble Down the Street

by Kelp

In a dream I saw you
out for a walk
with your husband Bill
whom you had
via some kind of spell
into a large brown dog

He hobbled along
his shaggy brown hair
flopping up and down
with each mis-step

He had on a muzzle
that covered
his mouth
he appeared
to be lame
in his right front leg

As I approached
from across the street
he lifted his leg
the left back one
to relieve himself
on the base of a tree
a thick black oak

You know the tree
you know the one
in front of the entrance
to the building you owned
before you sold it
to the man with the fleas
and now it looks
like it’s up for sale again

I would have bought it
would have bought it myself
but I had no cash
no cash in the dream
and none in real life
that’s when your husband
your husband Bill
having finished his business
pulled at his leash
indicating that he wanted
to continue his hobble
hobble hobble down the street




Maurice Chevalier